Performance Kits
Performance Kits

We're more than CBD, we're dedicated to full spectrum education

While the PRōZE product line has diligently formulated dedicated solutions to the wellness weaknesses we all face, we’re aware that there’s no cure-all cure. That’s why we’ve created supplementary kits of top researched information, including a guide of helpful tips you can easily implement into your daily routines and a deeper dive into the use of our products, to help you be a PRō in all you do.

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We’ve all heard that better nutrition and more exercise are key to increasing sleep quality, but there’s more to it than that. The PRōZE SleepKit has researched 100’s of studies and talked to the most well-respected sleep experts to outline simple nightly steps for you, so you can sleep like a pro.

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With a topic as ubiquitous as your overall wellbeing, it can be hard to figure out where to start. The PRōZE ImmunityKit has organized the most effective immune boosting steps to add to your daily routine, so you can feel like a pro.

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Pain is just a signal – It’s an activation of the nervous system, your nerves and brain. Your body is incredibly resilient and strong, and with the right care and attention, it can repair itself and come back even stronger. The PRōZE ReliefKit provides researched backed treatments to help you feel immediate relief and set the stage for a recovery process that will bring ultimate performance so you can recover like a pro.
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For a lot of us, simply trying to remove stressors from our lives isn’t an option. The PRōZE BalanceKit has compiled the most immediate and effective simple daily steps for you to practice when you’re feeling overwhelmed, so you can chill like a pro.

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It’s easy to become frustrated when you’re trying to concentrate but just can’t. The good news? There are several techniques that can help you zone in on the task in front of you. The PRōZE FocusKit has collected research-backed methods to help improve your concentration so you can focus like a pro.