Dr. Lundell and anti-inflammatories

Listen to Dr. Lundell cardiovascular surgeon, 10x Ironman, 5x Ironman winner, on the how anti-inflammatories interrupt the healing process. Listen here

Dr. Lundell on SHIELD

Listen to Dr. Lundell cardiovascular surgeon, 10x Ironman, 5x Ironman winner, on the benefits of SHIELD. Listen here

Dr. Lundell on CBD

Listen to Dr. Lundell- cardiovascular surgeon, 10x Ironman, 5x Ironman Winner on CBD + CBD and the cardiovascular system. Listen here 

The Three Main Reasons You Can’t Sleep

The Three Main Reasons You Can’t Sleep 50 Million people report they have some sort of sleep disorder, and 46% of Americans report they take something to sleep. So let’s unpack why you can’t sleep…. THREE main reasons: Inflammation Nervous System Brain Chemistry Inflammation Inflammation, or more importantly excess inflammation, it’s the petri dish of […]


Click here to see  Dr. Ara Suppiah, ER and Functional Medicine Dr., and the Golf Channel’s Chief Medical Analyst, PRō tips on how to use NERVE.


Learn how Dr. Ara Suppiah, ER and Functional Medicine doctor, AND NBC’s Chief Medical Analyst helps his athletes recover and pro all day long.


We have talked and interviewed many PRōs- From PGA, to NFL, and NHL athletes, as well as docs, both NDs, and MDs, and asked them, “How does one live organically fierce.” How does one have innate energy, vitality to wake up and crush it, day after day, year after year…without having to depend on caffeine, […]


PRōZE Founders were independently on their own mission to better their communities, to better America’s understanding of health… Dr. Jim Silliman, former president of the prestigious Steadman Hawkins Clinic, physician to many professional teams, from the NFL to the US Ski Team, and as an orthopedic surgeon was troubled by the opioid crisis he was witnessing […]

PRō Back to School Tips by Dr. Dave Vigerust

School is IN! Whether it’s in a classroom, on campus, or group learning, keeping your kids healthy is always important, especially NOW.  A healthy and strong immune system and the ability to recover quickly are critical elements to keeping you and your kids safe + your kids grades UP!   This month we chatted with […]

The top 10 PRōZE questions

Although CBD is becoming more and more popular, not everyone understands it fully.  Sometimes they get Hemp/CBD mixed up with Marijuana/THC, or they think it’s still not legal in their state, or they just want to learn more about it.  To help you, we’ve answered the most common questions we’ve seen over the years… 1. […]